Keith Haring Activities (2ºESO)
Your new unit is about art and to get in the right mindset today we are going to learn about Keith Haring, a famous subway graffiti artist. Start by opening a Word document and saving it to your desktop under the name "YOURNAMEharing". You will answer the following questions there and send that document to Gina's email once you're done.
FIRST ACTIVITY: Go to Google and look up "Keith Haring important works". Choose your favorite, copy and paste it into the Word document and answer the following questions: 1. Does the picture tell you a story? 2. How does the picture make you feel? Why? 3. Why do you like this picture? 4. Why do you think the artist made this picture? 5. How is this artist's style different from other paintings you've seen? |
Go to Click on "Bio". Read the information and answer the the questions below: 1. Where is Keith from? 2. How old was he when he had his first art show? 3. Why did he start becoming really famous? 4. What did he paint in Italy? 5. Why did Keith pass away? When you're done you can click on "snapshots" or "art" on the left to see more pictures of Keith and his work. THIRD ACTIVITY Go back to and click on "coloring book". Create your own work of art. Take a screenshot of it when it is finished and paste it in your Word document. After, write three sentences explaining what it means to you. If you still have time, play this game to brush up on your art knowledge. |
Future Possibilities: A Career Webquest (4ºESO)
Task: What do you want to be when you grow up? Choose a career and use the following websites to answer the questions below.
Use the following websites to find information about your future career:
Conclusion: Write down your answers on a Popplet:
Use the following websites to find information about your future career:
- Scroll down and search for the job in the A-Z Index.
- Search in the "I want to be a..." section.
- Type the job in the Keyword Search.
Conclusion: Write down your answers on a Popplet:
- What do these workers do?
- How many jobs are available right now?
- What kind of training or education do you need to prepare for the job?
- How much does the job pay to start out in dollars? What is that in euros?
- What is a similar job that might interest you?
- Did you read about anything else that was interesting?
- Why do you want to do this job?
- Would you be good at it?
- What weaknesses would you have to work on to be successful at this occupation?
A Bit of Culture (1ºBach)
You guys are quite a bit ahead so we're going to take a break and learn some facts about other cultures. Below you will find a reading and some videos about various topics. After, I've left a link to some word games. Do the exercises and send screenshots to Gina.
The Holiday Season (4ºESO)
It's the holiday season and we are all excited about our upcoming vacation, but have we ever paused to think that others might celebrate this month in a different way? Read the reading about Hanukkah, the Jewish Festival of Lights below and do the exercises. After, watch the video about how a shop is getting ready for Christmas and do the activities below it. Don't forget to send screenshots of everything you do to Gina!If you finish early go ahead and play some of the games I put up for 2ºESO.
The Holiday Season (2ºESO)
It's the holiday season and we are all excited about our upcoming vacation, but have we ever paused to think that others might celebrate this month in a different way? Read the reading about Hanukkah, the Jewish Festival of Lights below and do the exercises. After, play some games or listen to some songs. Don't forget to send screenshots of everything you do to Gina!
Halloween (1º and 2º ESO)
History of Halloween (Reading and quiz)
Trick or Treating (Reading and quiz)
Halloween quiz 1
Halloween picture quiz
Halloween crossword
Halloween song
Halloween wordsearch
Halloween wordsearch 2
Halloween word scramble
Halloween crossword
Trick or Treating (Reading and quiz)
Halloween quiz 1
Halloween picture quiz
Halloween crossword
Halloween song
Halloween wordsearch
Halloween wordsearch 2
Halloween word scramble
Halloween crossword
Create Your Own Game (3ºESO and 4ºESO)
Create your own game in English for future Balder generations. Click on the picture on the left and follow the link. From there, choose your favorite format and download it to your computer. Choose a grammar topic or a unit of vocabulary and make a game. After you finish, send the game to me as an attachment in an email. PLEASE REMEMBER TO SEND ME THE ANSWER KEY.
School Day of Non-violence and Peace
In order to celebrate Solidarity Day, we will be researching specific human rights violations and writing letters to American presidents using the Amnesty International website. To start today's webquest, click on the photo on the right. Then complete the following steps:
- Read about the specific problems listed on the website and choose the one you like best.
- Then, copy and paste the words that are in bold in the search engine in the top right hand corner. This will bring you to a webpage which will give you more information about the specific problem.
- Once you have your information, write a letter to the president of the offending country in OpenOffice on your computer. Write the letter (12 sentences) in English first, then translate the letter into Spanish.
- Once you have finished writing your letter, send it to [email protected] along with a short paragraph summarizing the issue and another short paragraph telling me why you have chosen this problem. If you would like to send your letter, please say so in your email so I can print it and provide you with a envelope.
Monkeys, Skulls and Crosses (3ºESO)
As our chapter is about crime, I thought it was good time for us to become investigators. Click on the photo on the left to start solving the murder case of a young man named Gerry. The task list will tell you what you need to do. At the same time, you should answer the following questions in your notebook.
- Name three pieces of evidence you found.
- Name three important things your found during the autopsy:
- Name three witness you talked to.
- Is there any witness that seems especially suspicious to you?
- What size shoe did the victim wear?
- Was the victim in a gang?
- Which new priority did you choose?
- What did you do at your press conference?
- What size shoes did the murderer wear?
- Where did you find the murder weapon?
- What did you find at the house (Hint: click all the boxes)?
- Who is Gerry's friend?
- Who owns the gun?
- Who is the murderer?
Mobile Phones (2ºESO)
Thanksgiving at Plimoth Plantation
Thanksgiving Interactive: You are the Historian!
What really happened at the First Thanksgiving?
Become a history detective and find out!
Click on the image on the left to get started!
What really happened at the First Thanksgiving?
Become a history detective and find out!
Click on the image on the left to get started!
Halloween 2014 (4ºESO)
Happy Halloween everyone! In order to get in the spirit, we are going to take some time off from our books and learn a bit more about this holiday's traditions. Complete the tasks in order and once you have finished, send a screen shot of the exercises to Gina's email.
Our Book and Movie Reviews (4ºESO)
FIFA World Cup Activities (All Groups)
It's time for the World Cup! Have you decided who you think is going to be the champion this year? At the first link, you'll learn a bit about how the World Cup works. Then, inform yourself about who is playing and their possibilities of taking the cup home with the second link. The third link will take you to a video of Brazilians giving advice about their country to visitors. If you find the video difficult to understand, click on the blue bar that says "transcript" below and you can read the words as you listen.
Each link contains exercises. As you complete the exercises, take a screenshot (cmd+shift+4). At the end of the class, send me an email with all your screenshots.
Britain in Europe? (1 Bach)
Do you consider Britain to be a powerful member of the European Union? Click here, watch the video and do the exercises. After, write me an email answering the following questions:
1. Who do you agree with in the video, the British or the French specialist?
2. Do you think Britain should use the euro? Why or why not?
3. What is Spain's relationship with England?
4. What do you think about Spain's relationship with the European Union?
After you're finished, head over to the "Grammar" section and try the exercises about the verb "to wish".
1. Who do you agree with in the video, the British or the French specialist?
2. Do you think Britain should use the euro? Why or why not?
3. What is Spain's relationship with England?
4. What do you think about Spain's relationship with the European Union?
After you're finished, head over to the "Grammar" section and try the exercises about the verb "to wish".
Halloween (4º and 1ºBach 2013)
Watch the video showing parts of the Keene Pumpkin Festival. Then, listen again and fill in the missing lyrics from This is Halloween from the movie The Nightmare Before Christmas.
To complete the webquest, use the following links:
If you still have time, check out these snacks:
Or this link for more photos of the festival:
To complete the webquest, use the following links:
If you still have time, check out these snacks:
Or this link for more photos of the festival:
WebQuest for 4º ESO students (2012-13)
Click on the image to find out more.
Britain, Britain, Britain
How much do you know about the UK? Click on the image and test your knowledge. This quiz is in the style of Millionaire - see if you can reach 1m gold stars!
You can find another quiz if you click here.
You can find another quiz if you click here.
London Quiz
First click on this link and start your London Tour by choosing "Tower of London". Read the information and at the bottom of the text you will find a link to the next landmark. Once you finish reading about all the landmarks, you can start the London Quiz.
You can also try this quiz.
You can also try this quiz.
Saint Patrick's Day Quiz
Happy Valentine's Day!
So, you've finished your exercises early and have nothing to do. Perfect! Now you can read this cool article about Valentine's Day on the British Council's website and see how much you've really learned by doing to exercises they've provided below. Have a wonderful Thursday and hope you get shot by Cupid's arrow!