¡Hola a nuestros alumnos extranjeros!
Feel like you could use some extra Spanish practice? I've left some links here for you to work on either at home or in school. If you would like extra help on with any topic in particular, let me know and I'll see what we can find. ¡Suerte!
Ser y Estar
Amautaspanish.com has some great multiple choice exercises to review this tricky topic. Click here to get started. After you can move on to the more complicated exercises found at Aprenderespañol.org.
-AR Verbs
Let's start with the basics. Can you remember how to conjugate your -AR ending verbs? Try the exercises below and see how you do.
-ER and -IR Verbs
Here you can find some great exercises to practice -ER and -IR verbs. The best part about this page is that you get to read a story at the same time. If you find that you're still looking for more, try these exercises below:
Telling Time
Go ahead and warm up with some easy multiple choice at Amautaspanish.com. Then do some listening activities at BKNelson's site. After, play a game by click on the picture of the cat on the left.
Stem Changing Verbs
Stem changing verbs can be a challenge. Try your hand at the exercises below, and if you get confused, think about the boot.
Spanish Listening Exercises
Now it's time to try some listening exercises. Each one has a multiple choice quiz and a vocabulary fill in the blank.
1st Trimester Review
Articles |
Masc. and Fem. Nouns |
European Geography and Adjectives of Nationality |
Vocabulary |
-AR Verbs |